
Smart suite alcatel idol 4
Smart suite alcatel idol 4

  1. #Smart suite alcatel idol 4 apk
  2. #Smart suite alcatel idol 4 full
  3. #Smart suite alcatel idol 4 android

The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Alcatel_Smart_Suite_v3.6.9.zip (LATEST).Download Alcatel Smart Suite (All Versions) Additionally, you can easily uninstall any application on your Alcatel device, etc.

#Smart suite alcatel idol 4 apk

Manage Applications: It allows you to install any APK file on the mobile device directly.

#Smart suite alcatel idol 4 full

Additionally, you can import or export the songs, delete any particular song, or the full music collection.Ħ. You can also listen to songs on the computer from your device. Manage Songs: It allows you to see all the list of songs that are available on your phone. You can see the preview of the current gallery or delete any particular image or the full gallery.ĥ.

smart suite alcatel idol 4

Manage Gallery: The tool allows you to import or export the existing gallery on your device. It also allows you to add reminders during creating or managing the current events on the calendar.Ĥ.

smart suite alcatel idol 4

Manage Calendars: It allows you to add or edit the existing events on the calendar, import or export events, or delete the current events on the calendar. It also allows you to read or delete the existing messages.ģ. You can also reply to the previous or incoming messages, import/export the recent messages between the PC & the mobile device. Manage Messages: The tool allows you to create a new text message from the computer. During creating/editing contacts, the tool gives you multiple options like to add Name, Number, Email, Address, Organization, Set Nick Name, Notes, and others.Ģ. Manage Contacts: You can import/export, create/delete the existing contacts of your Alcatel device. But make sure to enable Developer options and USB Debugging on your handset first.ġ. It also allows you to take a screenshot of the device screen without easily.

#Smart suite alcatel idol 4 android

We will go into a little more detail on them in the software.As we’ve already mentioned, the Alcatel Smart Suite simply allows you to check the Android OS version, Battery Status, Internal Storage status, SD Storage status of the connected device. This is where the Boom Key sits, which is a small circular raised button in the middle of the right edge. Those familiar with the Sony Xperia devices will notice a resemblance and might also make the mistake of thinking it is the power button but it isn't on the Alcatel devices of course. Instead the Boom Key has several functions that can be customised. The right hand side is where the party is at on the Idol 4 series handsets though.

smart suite alcatel idol 4

When used in upside down, the power button is in a much more awkward position and placing it in the middle of the left edge would maybe have worked better. This works fine when you use the phone in the normal position but one of the interesting things about the Idol 4 series is that it can be used upside down too.

smart suite alcatel idol 4

The power button is on the top left-hand side edge with a SIM-card pull-out tray below it. Both have the same buttons and ports however, all of which sit in the same positions around the lovely curved edges of the Idol 4 series handsets. The Idol 4 has a more obvious Alcatel logo, which sits in middle of the glass rear panel, while the Idol 4S has more subtle branding at the bottom of the rear glass panel.

Smart suite alcatel idol 4